Monday, February 18, 2008

Obama's Biggest Weapon: The "Down Ticket"/50-State Strategy

posted by Matt Kaufman at
This Wall Street Journal article notes, "Once in a generation, an opportunity comes along -- not just for the Democratic Party, but for the United States of America -- to build a new majority for change. Barack Obama's candidacy offers us that opportunity. As Democrats, and as Americans, we must seize it."

And perhaps just as important, they note that Barack Obama can provide a real boost to down-ticket Democrats: "Mr. Obama has lit a spark that has not been seen in American politics in a long time. In the divisive 2004 election, Mr. Obama's call for national unity was a light in our political darkness. In 2006, Mr. Obama was called to campaign for Democrats in states like Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Virginia. No other Democrat running for president can make that claim. His unique ability to draw votes -- not just for himself, but for down-ticket Democrats -- makes him an obvious choice to lead the Democratic Party to success in the Congress, and in statehouses and state legislatures."
The article was authored by Janet Napolitano (governor of Arizona), Kathleen Sebelius (governor of Kansas), and Claire McCaskill (U.S. senator from Missouri).

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