Tuesday, February 5, 2008

LL Endorses Hillary Clinton

I endorse Hillary

I have been able to vote for Presidents since 1996 and no candidate has been better for this country than John Edwards. I have pesonally giving him hundreds of dollars and have volunteered for his campaign here in Los Angeles. His departure from the race hurts us all. His campaign's omission from the mainstream corporate media, which was competitive throughout these primaries, is proof that you should not, under any circumstances, trust CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, your local newspapers and TV stations and especially any pundit on a Sunday "news" program.

Since the best person for the job, John Edwards, has dropped out of the race for President of these United States, I have decided to support the next best thing-Hillary Clinton. Forget the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from Barrack Obama or any tendacy you have to label Senator Clinton a "Bitch" or a "Phony" or any other unoriginal talking point that has seeped into your consciousness thanks to the mainstream, corporate media. I want you, fellow American, to use your brain on this choice here and not your heart, your gut or your emotions. America needs a logical choice.

Let me briefly dissuade you of any reason for you to vote for the Republican candidates. "Illegals" are not taking your jobs away, outsourcing is. The GOP's solution? Blame "illegals" and continue the outsourcing. Gays are not ruining the family, this economy is. The GOP solution? Blame the gays and continue giving Paris Hilton tax cuts at the expense of YOUR roads, bridges, healthcare and most importantly of all-your child's education. But what the GOP sells most is fear. Most of you reading this live in towns which are not even a terrorist's radar. You're local Home Depot is safe, I assure you. What the GOP wants are your civil liberties. But what they want more than anything is to create a new aristocracy paid for with our employment, our healthcare and our children and grandchildren's future. Point blank. A vote for a Republican is as unAmerican as it can get, regardless of their "patriotic" rhetoric.

So about Senator Barrack Obama. He is an inspirational orator and not much seperates him from Senator Clinton, policy-wise. That whole meem about his "inexperience" is nothing more than soft racism. The current occupant of the White House was selected with the same number of years of government service as a President Obama will have on January 21, 2009. This is a moot point. And I have confidence that Millenium voters (voters under the age of 34) will more than counter the reluctance of some older citizens to pull the level for an African-American. If Massachusetts, possibly the most bigoted state in the Union (contrary to its alleged "liberal" reputation) can elect a black man as governor, then the US can surely follow suit. No there is no real problem with Obama that Clinton, also does not posess.

What is the difference-SPECIFICS. Senator Clinton has detailed plans with detailed implimentations and funding right on her website. Obama does not, not really. Senator Clinton has always advocated for the little guy (us), even while her husband governed like a Republican. Wal-Mart was a Made-in-theUSA, worker-respecting business when she sat on its board. Her ambitious universal healthcare planned almost passed Congress in 1993 all while she was First Lady! I respect Senator Obama and will proudly vote for him if nominated. His presence in this race fills me with pride as a black man (as did Sharpton's, Braun's and Jackson's). But, while he was a state senator, Illinois wanted to bring a Clintonesque universal healthcare plan to its state and Mr. Obama single-handedly brought in the big insurance companies to completely derail the plan. As a lawyer, Mr. Obama represented the same shady interests behind our current mortage crisis. One of the key players, Obama's former client, just received an indictment. As a candidate, Obama has invoked Republican talking points regarding Social Security, praised Ronald Reagan (later to backtrack), pushes for unilateral military attacks on Pakistan, supports nuclear energy, advocates the same global trade policies that send our jobs to India and China, and has received more money from Wall Street than any candidate-Democratic or Republican. But the most dangerous aspect of an Obama presidency is the very charm and charisma that is drawing so many of us in. Much like a cult leader, Obama, will have a way of making people go along with ideas that will ultimately hurt them. He has been stingy with his details, friendly with his fat cats and wrong on his issues but, dammit, he's so cool about it. The Obama we trick ourselves into seeing is a figment of our imagination but pull back the curtain and we only find a puppet on a corporate string. This is the only reason the mainstream corporate media is taking a black candidate seriously.

But instead of voting against Obama, you should vote for Hillary. She has a 90 percent progressive voting record, she has admitted that her husband's trade policies were a mistake, she's notoriously beholden to the public opinion polls (which is usually a good thing for an elected official to behold to) and she has pushed for progressive ideals long before they become cool to the general public. Is she perfect, hell no. But is she the best choice we have, absolutely.

Please Vote for Hillary

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